Marshall High School

Aging Gracefully
1965 WORDSMITHS **** from the Class of '65, authors among us. |
Thanks, Gary Jones!
Skit from Saturday Night Live ~
Q: Where can single men over the age of 70 find younger women who are interested in them? A: Try a bookstore, under Fiction. Q: What can a man do while his wife is going through menopause? A: Keep busy. If you're handy with tools, you can finish the basement. When you're done, you will have a place to live. Q: Someone has told me that menopause is mentioned in the Bible. Is that true? Where can it be found? A. Yes. Matthew 14:92 "And Mary rode Joseph's ass all the way to Egypt...." Q: How can you avoid that terrible curse of the elderly wrinkles? A: Take off your glasses. Q: Seriously! What can I do for these crow's feet and all those wrinkles on my face? A. Go braless. It will usually pull them out. Q: Why should 70+ year old people use valet parking? A: Valets don't forget where they park your car. Q: Is it common for 70+ year olds to have problems with short term memory storage? A: Storing memory is not a problem; retrieving it is the problem. Q: As people age, do they sleep more soundly? A: Yes, but usually in the afternoon. Q: Where should 70+ year olds look for eye glasses? A: On their foreheads. Q: What is the most common remark made by 70+ year olds when they enter antique stores? A: "Gosh, I remember these!" |
I stole ~ I mean, Shared ~ from Susan Elliot Braswell's ('64) FB page. |
In case you weren't
feeling old enough
today, each year the
staff at Beloit College
in WI puts together a
list to give the faculty a sense of the mindset of
this year's incoming
freshmen. Here's this year's list:(posted a few years ago)
1. The incoming freshmen were born in 2003.
2. They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up.
3. Their lifetime has always included AIDS.
4. Bottle caps have always been screw off & plastic.
5. They have always had an answering machine, a smart phone.
6. They have always had cable.
7. They cannot fathom not having remote control.
Now I know what our parents thought about our generation....
The Irony of Aging |
1965 Now
Johnny Crowell shared some of his
wisdom with us.
I was thinking about how a status symbol of today is those cell phones that everyone has clipped onto their belt or purse. I can't afford one. So I'm wearing my garage door opener.
I also made a cover for my hearing aid, and now I have what they call "blue teeth", I think.
You know, I spent a fortune on deodorant before I realized that people didn't like me anyway.
I was thinking that women should put pictures of missing husbands on beer cans!
I was thinking about old age and decided that old age is when you still have something on the ball, but you are just too tired to bounce it.
I thought about making a fitness movie for folks my age and call it 'Pumping Rust'.
I've gotten that dreaded furniture disease. That's when your chest is falling into your drawers!
When people see a cat's litter box they always say, 'Oh, have you got a cat?' Just once I want
to say, 'No, it's for company!'
Employment application blanks always ask who is to be called in case of an emergency. I think you should write, 'An ambulance.'
I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older.
Then it dawned on me. They were cramming for their finals.
As for me, I'm just hoping God grades on the curve.
Birds of a feather flock together . . . .and then crap on your car.
The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends.
The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.
Did you ever notice: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are XL.
The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble..
Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words 'The' and 'IRS' together it spells'Theirs...'
Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
Some people try to turn back their "odometers." Not me. I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't paved.
You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.
Ah! Being young is beautiful but being old is comfortable.
Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.
Thanks for the funny mugs, Juanita!
It ain't never too late!!
The Contilia Retirement Group in Essen, Germany, put together a calendar using some of its residents to recreate famous film scenes. Note the ages of these fun-loving folks. It's NEVER too late to have fun!
Thanks to Juanita Farnham Russell for these fun & inspiring photos.
James Bond
Wilhelm Buiting, 89
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Marianne Bunsbach, 89
Emma Rutt, 86 and Alfred Kelbch, 81
Erwin von der Heiden, 80
Mary Poppins
Ema Schenk, 78
Seven Year Itch
Ingeborg Gilbass, 84 and Erich Endlein, 88
Blues Brothers
Margarete Schmidt, 77 and Lothor Wischnewski, 76
Martha Bajohr, 77
Joanna Trachenberg, 81 and Horst Krischat, 78
Saturday Night Fever
Irmgard Alt, 79 and Siegfried Gallasch, 87
Dirty Dancing
Johann Leidtke, 92 and Marianne Pape, 79
Easy Rider
Walt Loeser, 98 and Kurt Newhaus, 90
YOUTH. It lasts longer than young people think.
What Happened?! Terry Warner 2/13
Diet Cookies by Terry Warner
After being married a few weeks & because of my new wife's cooking, I noticed one morning that my belt was feeling tighter.
For several days I tried "cutting back," but this didn't seem to help, and I was reaching the point of letting my belt out one more notch. It was obvious that something more drastic was the next step for taking control of my girth.
I began making mental plans to regain, or I should say, "relose" the extra pounds I had so eagerly added. We overeat & the weight seems to add quickly. We starve ourselves by dieting, and the weight lingers on for days, weeks, months, and years before finally deciding to leave our bodies & transfer to someone else. Unfortunately for some, the weight never transfers.
It was at this time I found the solution to my weight gain: DIET COOKIES!
At the grocery I immediately grabbed the biggest box of diet cookies I could find, returned to work & ate the entire box.
A little disappointed the weight didn't immediately fall off,
At home after work, I told my new bride how excited I was to finally find something that tasted good & would help me lose weight. "What is it?" she inquired.
I proudly responded, "Diet cookies!"
"Great. Bring the rest of the box to the dinner table, and we'll have them for dessert." It was at this precise moment that I realized my wife, being very slim & shapely, didn't understand the concept of dieting.
"They're all gone," I said.
"What do you mean, they're all gone?" she asked, confused. I now realized that something might be amiss, and my exuberance was quickly fading.
"They're all gone," I repeated. "I ate the whole box at lunch." I received a blank stare. "What?! They were a box of diet cookies. Instead of eating lunch, I just ate the box of cookies. Isn't this a great way to lose weight?"
It was then I received a loving education on "diet cookies," serving sizes and nutrition. We finished our evening meal, and I think my bride had a pudding dessert ready.
In reality, "diet cookies" are overrated anyway.
Analog Man Buys Digital Computer By Terry Warner
It all started when I finally decided to get serious about making a family video. I took my computer to the repair shop & told them I couldn't get my video camera to work when I plugged it into the computer.
I received a blank stare fron the technician & then he asked what program I was using to capture the video. This time I returned the blank stare with a "deer in the headlights" look. Finally, he said, "You need a video editing card in order to record movies on a DVD." I left the computer with the technician while he installed a video editing card.
Last week I decided that it would be nice if I made the home movies everyone had been waiting for. I laid out all of the hardware. The video camera wouldn't plug into the computer. I called the computer repair shop & after a small "sigh," they promised to order me a new video cord that I could plug into the camera. After a few days, the cord finally arrived & I rushed down to the shop & returned home with the cord. It didn't work. I returned the computer to the technician who tried all day to get the computer & video camera to cooperate. He was unsuccessful. My camera was the older style (5 years) & they weren't sure if it was the camera, video cable, or the video card. I had the technician order a new cord & it arrived in one week. Still, the camera & computer would not operate. I called back & after a short, silent pause, the technician advised, "You need a video capture device. I used that & was able to get the video camera to work. " After a long sigh, I told him to order the video capture device.
A week passed & the video capture device arrived. I asked my wife to rush down to the computer shop & pick it up so I could make a movie first thing in the morning. We were elated. Next morning I plugged in the video capture device, connected the cables, selected a video I could experiment with and, "Voila!" Nothing happened! I immediately called the technician. After a long "sigh," he asked me to bring the computer, camera, & video capture device to the shop & he would take a look at it. I loaded everthing up & headed for the computer shop. He came out, sighed & we hauled everything to the back. As he plugged in the cables, I saw that I had been using the wrong port on the video camera. I gave a loooooooooonnnnnng "SIGH."
At home I commenced to making my first movie. After several hours of pushing keys & staring at the computer, I finally went to Windows Movie Maker & made my first video. However, when I went to save the video, I was alerted that my hard drive was almost full & storing videos would take up too much space. I called the technician & after a long "sigh," he recommended I buy an external 500GB hard drive. I could then back up my entire computer & make movies. Ecstatic, I immediately drove to Radio Shack & purchased the hard drive. Rushing home, I plugged it in & told it to back up the computer every hour & totally back up once a week. I then discovered that the computer couldn't handle that large of an external drive.....it had slowed the computer down to a crawl. "Sigh."
I decided to stop the madness. I don't know if it was an intellectual decision, rational decision or frustration. I would buy a new computer to make movies. At the very least, this would be the end of this madness. At the "X" website, I scrolled through the choices & came up with the computer I had specified that would make & store lots of movies. My account had been closed due to inactivity, so I reopened it, received an instant $5,000 credit limit & ordered my computer. I posted the good news on Facebook, several blogs & told my friends & relatives.
A week passed. I decided to check on the arrival of the computer with tracking. (Isn't new technology great?!) I then discovered that my order had been cancelled. I called the "X" company. They claimed that somehow I didn't check the box agreeing to the terms & conditions & therefore had not filled my order. I guess sending me an email wasn't an option. "Okay, let's get the box checked & proceed with the order," I managed to get out through gritted teeth. After giving them my social security number, address, phone number & mother's maiden name, the box got checked. I was now approved & ready to order my new computer. "Just complete the order!!"
"X" company then stated that they couldn't do that, that I needed to talk with a computer expert to ensure I would get the computer I wanted. "I don't have time to do this," barely concealing my frustration. "I have been on the phone for 20 minutes & have things I need to do." After a long "sigh," she said they would call me back. "Fine," I said. "Call me back at 8:45 a.m. Central Time." At 11:45 a.m. I received a call from the computer expert in India, who was very difficult to understand. Exasperated, I gave several long sighs & told him, "Nevermind." He is incredulous, I am exasperated & we both give long sighs & hang up.
I regain my composure, go online & order a new computer. Problem solved.
I am going online now to check the tracking to see if I can locate my computer that is being shipped & should be here any day now. SIGH.
Is this you??
My source said you have to ask for them, they aren't automatically given.
Restaurants with Senior Discounts
(some of these have some really great discounts!)
Applebee’s: 15% off with Golden Apple Card (60+)
Arby’s: 10% off (55+)
Ben & Jerry’s: 10% off (60+)
Bennigan’s: discount varies by location
Bob’s Big Boy: discount varies by location (60+)
Boston Market: 10% off (65+)
Burger King: 10% off (60+)
Captain D’s Seafood: discount varies on location (62+)
Chick-Fil-A: 10% off or free small drink or coffee (55+)
Chili’s: 10% off (55+)
CiCi’s Pizza: 10% off (60+)
Culver’s: 10% off (60+)
Denny’s: 10% off, 20% off for AARP members (55+)
Dunkin’ Donuts: 10% off or free coffee (55+)
Einstein’s Bagels: 10% off baker’s dozen of bagels (60+)
Fuddrucker’s: 10% off any senior platter (55+)
Gatti’s Pizza: 10% off (60+)
Golden Corral: 10% off (60+)
Hardee’s: $0.33 beverages everyday (65+)
IHOP: 10% off (55+)
Jack in the Box: up to 20% off (55+)
KFC: free small drink with any meal (55+)
Krispy Kreme: 10% off (50+)
Long John Silver’s: various discounts at participating locations (55+)
McDonald’s: discounts on coffee everyday (55+)
Mrs. Fields: 10% off at participating locations (60+)
Shoney’s: 10% off
Sonic: 10% off or free beverage (60+)
Steak ‘n Shake: 10% off every Monday & Tuesday (50+)
Subway: 10% off (60+)
Sweet Tomatoes 10% off (62+)
Taco Bell: 5% off; free beverages for seniors (65+)
TCBY: 10% off (55+)
Tea Room Cafe: 10% off (50+)
Village Inn: 10% off (60+)
Waffle House: 10% off every Monday (60+)
Wendy’s: 10% off (55+)
White Castle: 10% off (62+)
Retail and Apparel
Banana Republic: 10% off (50+)
Bealls: 20% off first Tuesday of each month (50+)
Belk’s: 15% off first Tuesday of every month (55+)
Big Lots: 10% off
Bon-Ton Department Stores: 15% off on senior discount days (55+)
C.J. Banks: 10% off every Wednesday (60+)
Clarks: 10% off (62+)
Dress Barn: 10% off (55+)
Goodwill: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Hallmark: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Kmart: 20% off (50+)
Kohl’s: 15% off (60+)
Modell’s Sporting Goods: 10% off
Rite Aid: 10% off on Tuesdays & 10% off prescriptions
Ross Stores: 10% off every Tuesday (55+)
The Salvation Army Thrift Stores: up to 50% off (55+)
Stein Mart: 20% off red dot/clearance items first Monday of every month (55+)
Albertson’s: 10% off first Wednesday of each month (55+)
American Discount Stores: 10% off every Monday (50+)
Compare Foods Supermarket: 10% off every Wednesday (60+)
DeCicco Family Markets: 5% off every Wednesday (60+)
Food Lion: 6% off every Monday (60+)
Fry’s Supermarket: free Fry’s VIP Club Membership & 10% off every Monday (55+)
Great Valu Food Store: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
Gristedes Supermarket: 10% off every Tuesday (60+)
Harris Teeter: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
Hy-Vee: 5% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Kroger: 10% off (date varies by location)
Morton Williams Supermarket: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
The Plant Shed: 10% off every Tuesday (50+)
Publix: 5% off every Wednesday (55+)
Rogers Marketplace: 5% off every Thursday (60+)
Uncle Guiseppe’s Marketplace: 5% off (62+)
Alaska Airlines: 10% off (65+)
Alamo: up to 25% off for AARP members
American Airlines: various discounts for 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
Amtrak: 15% off (62+)
Avis: up to 25% off for AARP members
Best Western: 10% off (55+)
Budget Rental Cars: 10% off; up to 20% off for AARP members (50+)
Cambria Suites: 20%-30% off (60+)
Clarion: 20%-30% off (60+)
Comfort Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Comfort Suites: 20%-30% off (60+)
Continental Airlines: no initiation fee for Continental Presidents Club & special fares for select destinations
Dollar Rent-A-Car: 10% off (50+)
Econo Lodge: 20%-30% off (60+)
Enterprise Rent-A-Car: 5% off for AARP members
Greyhound: 5% off (62+)
Hampton Inns & Suites: 10% off when booked 72 hours in advance
Hertz: up t0 25% off for AARP members
Holiday Inn: 10%-30% off depending on location (62+)
Hyatt Hotels: 25%-50% off (62+)
InterContinental Hotels Group: various discounts at all hotels (65+)
Mainstay Suites: 10% off with Mature Traveler’s Discount (50+); 20%-30% off (60+)
Marriott Hotels: 15% off (62+)
Motel 6: 10% off (60+)
Myrtle Beach Resort: 10% off (55+)
National Rent-A-Car: up to 30% off for AARP members
Quality Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Rodeway Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Sleep Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Southwest Airlines: various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
Trailways Transportation System: various discounts for ages 50 and up
United Airlines: various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
U.S. Airways: various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
Activities & Entertainment
AMC Theaters: up to 30% off (55+)
Bally Total Fitness: up to $100 off memberships (62+)
Busch Gardens Tampa: $3 off one-day tickets (50+)
Carmike Cinemas: 35% off (65+)
Cinemark/Century Theaters: up to 35% off
U.S. National Parks: $10 lifetime pass; 50% off additional services including camping (62+)
Regal Cinemas: 30% off
Ripley’s Believe it or Not: @ off one-day ticket (55+)
SeaWorld Orlando: $3 off one-day tickets (50+)
Cell Phone Discounts
AT&T: Special Senior Nation 200 Plan $29.99/month (65+)
Jitterbug: $10/month cell phone service (50+)
Verizon Wireless: Verizon Nationwide 65 Plus Plan $29.99/month (65+)
*Check out our Secret Cell Phone Discounts to view all cell phone discounts available to you!
Great Clips: $3 off hair cuts (60+)
Super Cuts: $2 off haircuts (60+)
Since many senior discounts are not advertised to the public, our advice to men and women over 55 is to ALWAYS ask a sales associate if that store provides a senior discount. That way, you can be sure to get the most bang for you buck.
Thanks, June!
Where to Retire ??
Or, finally
Y'all still out there a-huntin'?
Thanks, Sharon Pope Jones. (She doesn't need this.)
Thanks, John Crowell!
ATD - At The Doctors ...
BFF - Best Friend Fell ...
BTW - Bring the Wheelchair ...
BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth ...
FWIW - Forgot Where I Was ...
GGPBL - Gotta Go Pacemaker Battery Low ...
IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On ...
LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out ...
OMMR - On My Massage Recliner ...
OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas ...
ROFLACGU - Rolling On Floor Laughing And Can't Get Up
(Thanks to Sharon Pope Jones......again!)
Ok, Baby Boomers who are technologically-challenged, here's something that may help you keep up with your grandchildren.........or not. (Thanks, June)
Vocabulary Words for the 21st Century
Gotta keep current, Mavs.
1. MOUSE POTATO - the on-line, wired generation's answer to the couch
2. IRRITAINMENT - entertainment & media spectacles that are annoying,
but you find yourself unable to stop watching them
3. PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE - the fine art of whacking the crap out of an
electronic device to get it to work again
Thanks, Rosell Lewis Carr !
The first senior moment in history:
We'll be friends until we're old & senile. Then we'll be NEW friends.....
This video doesn't tell us anything we
don't already know (or should), but it's
a nice way to spend a couple of minutes. Enjoy.
Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, surely I can’t look THAT old?
My name is Alice, and I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his DDS diploma on the wall, which bore his full name. Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 30-odd years ago. Could he be the same guy that I had a secret crush on, way back when?
Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply-lined face was way too old to have been my classmate.
After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Morgan Park High School.
"Yes. Yes, I did. I’m a Mustang," he beamed with pride.
"When did you graduate?" I asked.
He answered, "In 1975. Why do you ask?"
"You were in my class!" I exclaimed. He looked at me closely.
Then, that ugly, old, bald, wrinkled-faced, fat rear-end, gray-haired, decrepit old man asked,
"What did you teach?"
Ok, Mavs. I expect to see some major boogying at the next reunion. If the following video doesn't inspire (or depress) you, you need re-
programming. These are SENIOR seniors; we're just SOPHOMORE
seniors, so no excuse for sitting on the sidelines!
Thanks, Billie Lee Cox Evans!
I don't want to brag or make anybody jealous,
but I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school. Thanks, Elaine Meyers Woolridge
Comedienne Anita Renfroe sings a parody of Josh Groban's "You Raise
Me Up." Ladies, at our age, we need all the help we can get.
We make NO guarantee of the content accuracy. It's just
an interesting video on our interesting era.
First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next,
you forget to pull your zipper up, and finally, you
forget to pull it down --- George Burns
(You gotta read this....)
Noticed the generation gap yet?
Other than this, it a
You could always pretend you meant to do this...
Other than this, it ain't so bad.
Hey, Baby Boomers, do your children or grandchildren think you're old? Well, we are at the head of the line, Baby Boomer-wise, the generation that redefined aging. And we beg to differ! We still haven't lost it, and here's positive proof: (Scroll down for evidence.)
To Skip to Part 2, Click on car
To Skip to Part 3, Click on Bill & Hillary
You MAVS are still hookin' 'em.
You beauties are still stopping traffic.
(For the visually-challenged, to enlarge pictures, click on them.)
You're still playing air guitar.
Still going ga-ga over superstars...& governators
Still the bad boy at the biker bar.
Still performing in the Lions Loonies.
Still goin' ta them Texas roundups.
Still will......well, you know who you are...
Still looking for adventure and...
Still loving a good skinny-dip
Still sneaking your dad's hot wheels out, cruisin' Grand Ave...... and gettin' caught by the law,
Still lookin' for discoveries off the beaten path.
Will still do anything for a laugh in Study Hall.
Will still do ANYTHING to hang out with girls.
Still trying to amp up the Corral Club.
Still don't have enough credits to graduate
Still enjoying a slice of birthday cake, and...
Still love being the birthday boy.
Feel like you're getting no respect?
Attitude taken a negative turn?
Blaming others for your problems?
Cheer up, '65ers! There are MANY ways to recapture the Youth that you used to know, and, even better, it's all under YOUR control! Here's how:
First, get a check-up. And don't forget, you're entitled to a second opinion.
Who's better than your doctor to give you good advice about improving your health?
How long's it been since that last eye exam?
A trip to the dentist will clear up those pesky oral problems.
No shame in corrective hearing devices.
Increase your consumption of fruits & vegetableS
Studies have shown that use of free weights can add strength even to those at the low end of the fitness scale.
Maintaining flexibility is as important as strength training.
Martial arts can have multiple benefits.
A walk in the sunshine promotes the production of Vitamin D.
Severely limit your exposure to fast foods!
Don't be afraid to make new friends.
You might discover you share the same past times.
Get out more often; take in a show.
Pamper yourself with a day at the spa.
Walk barefoot on the beach with your best buds.
Learn the dance to "Thriller."
Volunteer your teaching skills.
Keep your heart open to new relationships because...
you may find love in unexpected places.
Bring yourself into the 21st century.
And hey! Every now & then, just take a moment out of your hectic life to relax and contemplate the universe.
David McClure from the Dallas News Community Opinion page.
Is this the MHS Home Ec crew?
Go, Mavs. But a little slower, please.